Wednesday 24 April 2013

Updates (again) & Mini Review - Spoek Mathambo - Mshini Wam

So again its been ages and ages since I updated this. I've got some new music to post up and some new images (which will be in a seperate post). Its been a busy few months, working hard, really practicing my mixing and taking a 10 day jaunt to Budapest, Belgrade and Zagreb.

 So to start this off, lets talk about music, and what I've been listening to of late.

 Whilst not a new album Spoek Mathambo's Mshini Wam was an album I had to have after hearing his cover of Joy Divisions "Control" - My attention was brought to the video by the British Journal of Photography magazine, as its directed by Pieter Hugo a well known South African photographer

Spoek Mathambo is a really eclectic artists with influences from rap, bass music and afro pop. The album doesnt disappoint at all, very well produced, interesting lyrics and comes highly recommended.

Two tunes I'd seriously recommend checking out off this album are Mshini Wam (the album title track)
- I really like the female vocal on this track

And War on words with a warbling bassline and some great lyrics.

To find out more about Spoek Mathambo and to get links to buy his stuff you can visit his site here

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